McDonogh ID - 学生 - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

McDonogh ID

McDonogh photo ID badges are issued to all faculty and staff, as well as Middle and Upper School students. 的徽章, which include a barcode of the student's ID number, are used to check out library books, make purchases in the School Store and the Brass Eagle cafe, and to gain access to some buildings after hours.


New Middle and Upper School students receive McDonogh ID cards at the start of the school year. All returning students should already have ID cards. Information for students who have lost their ID card is below. Lower School students do not receive McDonogh ID cards at this time.


Each student will receive one McDonogh ID free of charge from the school. Lost or damaged IDs must be replaced. A replacement fee of $5 will be billed to the student's school account.


With a McDonogh ID, students are be able to:

  • Check books out of the library
  • Check in for "boarder breakfast" in the dining hall (free for boarding students, a charge for day students)
  • Purchase items in the school store
  • Purchase items in the Brass Eagle Café
  • Access the Naylor and St. John buildings after-hours and on weekends for school-related purposes, with permission from a faculty advisor
  • Access discounts at local retailers that provide "student" discounts

How to make purchases

学生 simply present their McDonogh ID at the time of checkout if they wish to make a purchase using their prepaid debit account.

父母 must preload money onto a student's account before the child can make any purchases. 学生 may not run up a balance "on credit." This is done to ensure parents are in control of how much students spend on items at the school store and at the Brass Eagle Café. 父母 may access the website via a link on their parent Personal Page.

To learn more about how to register with for the first time,浏览 registration guide.

Brass Eagle Café

Lower School students may visit the Brass Eagle before and after school, when accompanied by an adult. Middle School students may visit the café before and after school. Upper School students may visit the café throughout the day.


学生 should alert his or her homeroom teacher, advisor, or class dean that the ID has been lost. 学生 will receive a new McDonogh ID and the cost will be billed to your account.